<aside> šŸ£ Welcome! We created this page to share who we are as an organisation, what working with us is like, and the open positions in our team that you can apply for. The things we write are best contextualised in the products and services that we provide. If you havenā€™t, do check them out on our website!


What we talk about when we talk about impact

Hatch is a social enterprise built around the mission of unlocking digitalā€™s potential for good, specifically in empowering individuals (Academy), accelerating businesses (Mediahouse), and creating sustainable impact (Social Innovation).

At the heart of our work, we care about making a difference in ways that are intentional, transformative, and sustainable. What do we really mean when we talk about them?

šŸ’›Ā Intentional

It is important to us that we are steadfast in what we want and where we want to build towards. For us, we see our success through the lens of fulfilled individuals, thriving organisations, and a world where opportunities are readily accessible to those who seek them.

šŸŒ± Transformative

We do not have to (and frankly cannot) be the ones solving everything, but we can try to focus on strategic areas with the potential to really move things along. That can look like diving into first-of-its-kind, digital-enabled projects, or investing in gentle advocacy and narrative change.

šŸ”‹ Sustainable

Change takes time, and it is only in doing well where we can really do good. Some of our projects are market solutions to market needs, while others are essential solutions to social needs. In each case, we map out how value is provided to each stakeholder group to find the most suitable provider of resources.

Adhering to these principles means that we are a lot more selective than traditional businesses in what we choose to do. That has served us quite well. We get to work on projects that we connect with and love, surround ourselves with people who share the same values, and grow the organisation in ways that we are excited by and proud of.

What does job fit look like?

Hatch Program - UIUX Class.JPG

You will identify with our companyā€™s ethos if you have a heart for doing good better.

The principles that we wrote above - contextualised in the projects that we take on - should innately call out to you. Given that we put so much of our time and energy into our careers, why not choose one that resonates?

You will excel in the work if you are good at putting structure to ideas, designing prototypes to solutions, and executing well at every stage of iteration.